Liscard Group Practice

Victoria Central Health Centre, Mill Lane, Wallasey, CH44 5UF

Telephone: 0151 638 4764

We're open

Remember to update us if you move house or change your phone number

New Patients

How to Register

Online: How to register with this GP surgery – Liscard Group Practice – NHS (

In practice: If you cannot get online, we can print a copy of the form for you to complete.

Please note that you are registered with the practice, rather than with an individual GP, however you may request to see the doctor of your choice. If you wish to only see a specific doctor, you may have a slightly longer wait, as not every doctor works every day.

Catchment Area

We can only accept registrations from people living in the practice catchment area, which includes post codes starting CH44 or CH45.  If you move, or we find that do not live in our catchment area we reserve the right to ask you to register with a GP practice closer to your home address. In this case you will be given 30 days notice to give you plenty of time to find a new GP.

In 2012, all GP practices were asked to agree an outer practice boundary. Outer practice boundaries are an expansion of a GP’s original catchment area. Whereas in the past you may have had to register with a new GP even after only moving a few streets away, these outer boundaries can be a way to stay registered with your old GP. You’ll still have to speak with your GP first and, if appropriate, the GP may keep you on the register. For example, a GP may refuse to keep you on the register if you need frequent home visits but don’t live close to the GP practice. If the GP covers a large area and the travel distance to your home is too long to justify regular home visits, then the GP can suggest that you register with a practice closer to your home. However, if the GP decides you can stay registered, then you will continue to receive the full range of services, including clinically necessary home visits.

Opening Times

  • Monday
    08:00am to 08:00pm
    18:30-20:00 is for pre-booked appointments only. We are not receiving calls.
  • Tuesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Wednesday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Thursday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Friday
    08:00am to 06:30pm
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
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